Safety Notice for International Students of XYNU
为了维护学校良好的学习、生活秩序,保护留学生的人身安全,保证留学生能够顺利完成学业,根据中国相关法律、法规及学校的有关规定,国际交流合作处特制定本安全告知书。This is to stipulate the Notice by Division of International Exchange and Cooperation of XYNU hereinafter as per the laws and rules of the People’s Republic of China, and the rules of Xinyang Normal University, in order to keep good order at the university, protect the international students’ personal safety and ensure they can accomplish their schooling smoothly.
一、遵守中国的法律、法规及学校的规章制度,尊重中国的社会公德和风俗习惯。International Students studying at Xinyang Normal University should abide by the laws of the People’s Republic of China and respect the social customs of the Chinese people.
二、必须按照信阳市公安局出入境管理处的有关规定办理居留许可,居留许可到期者应提前30日申请办理延期手续。For residence permit, its application must be settled timely in accordance with relevant provisions of Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Xinyang Public Security Bureau. For residence permit extension, international students should apply at least 30 days before its expiration.
三、外国留学生必须服从学校的管理安排,遵守宿舍管理相关规定,并注意治安、消防、人身与财产的安全。The international students shall abide by the rules and regulations stipulated by the university and the International Student Apartment Building. Pay attention to traffic security, fire safety and personal and property safety.
四、假期及节假日外出必须按要求办理外出手续,填写登记表,并按时返校。When going out of campus the students are required to register and report to the Division of International Exchange and Cooperation. Fill out the Travel Plan Registration Form and return on time.
五、宿舍内禁止使用电炉等大功率电器;不得使用明火器具;禁止存放易燃、易爆和有毒物品。Pay attention to the fire safety. High-power appliances and open-fire appliances are all prohibited in the dormitory rooms. It is also prohibited to store any inflammable, explosive and toxic items.
六、禁止损坏、拆卸、改装宿舍楼内设备和线路,爱护消防设施。Take care of fire-fighting equipment. The operate appliance and wire connection are kept from breaking, disassembling or refitting.
七、严禁利用宿舍从事违反法律和校规的活动。所住房间不得私自转让、转租或留宿他人。It is strictly prohibited to engage in activities banned by laws and school rules. The students cannot rent your room or lend your room card to other people and invite others staying overnight.
八、离开宿舍要锁好门、关好窗,不要轻易将房间钥匙交给他人,以免被盗配。Secure doors and windows when leaving your room; do not simply give your room key to somebody else to avoid unauthorized duplication.
九、妥善保管好个人财物,应将多余的现金存入银行,贵重物品不要随意存放在教室、图书馆等公共场所。Properly keep your personal belongings safe. Deposit surplus cash in a bank; do not leave your valuables carelessly at public places like classrooms and libraries.
十、换汇一定要去银行,不要在私人商店或个人处换汇。在非正式营业点换汇是违法行为。Do go to a bank for currency exchange; do not exchange currency with a private store or an individual. Currency exchange with an unauthorized store is an unlawful act.
十一、保持教学区、图书馆、宿舍等场所的清静,不得大声喧哗、高声放音乐、视频等,以免影响周围人的学习与休息。在禁烟区请勿吸烟。Keep the study area, such as the teaching zone, library and dormitory quiet. Do not speak loudly or play music and video in high volume. Smoking is prohibited in non-smoking area.
十二、乘坐出租车一定要选择正规出租车公司的出租车。To take a taxi, do choose one affiliated to an accredited taxi firm.
十三、乘车或骑车外出旅游要注意交通安全,遵守交通规则,严禁骑车带人。Pay attention to safety when getting out by bus or bike. It is strictly prohibited to carry someone else while biking.
十四、不得在禁放区、校园、宿舍内燃放烟火爆竹。Discharging fireworks near dormitory buildings or in campus is strictly prohibited.
十五、严禁到江、河、湖泊、水库等非正规游泳场所游泳和到自然条件恶劣的地方游玩。Swimming at non-accredited swimming places like river, lake and reservoir is strictly prohibited. Do not tour around a place in threatening natural conditions.
十六、严禁赌博、酗酒、打架斗殴以及其它干扰学校教学、科研和生活秩序的行为。Gambling, excessive drinking, physical assaulting, and any other behavior that disrupts the university's educational research and life order are strictly prohibited.
十七、严禁卖淫、嫖娼、吸毒、贩毒等违法犯罪活动。Prostitution, whoring, drug taking and trafficking and other illegal activities are strictly prohibited.